The Cardio Twister Review – A Twist Workout For The Whole Body

For a workout with a twist, for a great fitness machine to tone both the upper and lower body, not forgetting your abdominals, you need the popular Cardio Twister, which is currently all the rage both in the US and in the UK.

With the Cardio Twister you shape and sculpt all your thigh muscles and burn hundreds of full body calories while at the same time you’re twisting in a great movement that will melt away love handles and give you fantastic rock hard abs at the same time as strengthening your back and shaping your arms and shoulders.
We all know that we need to exercise, but the difficulty is in finding time to do so. My own experience as a working mom running a home and looking after two dogs as well means that I have very little time to myself; I know I should be exercising, and I know what to do, but I dont do it!
It seems like a good idea to get a health club membership when you’re listening to the sales guy, but the reality of the situation is that the gym is often too far away to get to easily, meaning that you skip sessions and then find you are paying the high fees for something that youre not using. Even if you do get there, often you don’t have enough time to do your full routine.
The gym staff will happily prepare you an exercise programme, consisting of aerobic work on the cardio machines, followed by two or three sets of exercises for each body part, all done on different machines so you have to mess about changing weights and moving from one machine to another. This all seems to take a long time.
Your full gym programme is likely to take over an hour and then you’ve got to get changed and showered, so that you often find the whole routine taking upward of two hours — and they tell you to do this three times or more in a week for the best results. I don’t know about you, but I can’t spare that much time! But with the Cardio Twister, your program can be carried out at your own convenience in your own home.
The Cardio Twister System consists of an exercise stepper, which also works your legs laterally, and this is attached at waist level to some handgrips. The unique design of the stepper means that the muscles all around your thighs get toned as you exercise, which is great news for those of us with baggy inner thighs!
When you work your legs on the Cardio Twister, you really feel it in every single muscle and you know you’re wasting no time because youre working several important muscle groups at the same time. The waist level handlebars rotate with the movement so you twist through your stomach and waist muscles to sculpt lean, toned abs and a trim waist. There are also several levels of resistance to choose from, to give you whatever type of workout you want.
To read my full review on the Cardio Twister and other at home workout equipment please visit my Cardio Twister Reviews Blog.
