It is widely known that squats and weight training will make your butt bigger but there are also a number of cardio exercises for a bigger butt. Cardio exercises help you to lose fat and make your heart healthier. If you need cardio exercises to lose weight or for a generally healthier lifestyle but dont want to lose that precious junk in the trunk, these are the cardio exercises you can perform to increase your heartrate while giving your glutes a workout.

A Bigger Butt with Step Aerobics

These simple exercises can be done at home on your steps or in a gym step aerobics class. At home, position yourself in front of your steps and squeeze your glutes in tight as you step up with one foot. Step back down and switch to the other foot. Repeat this at least 15 times. As you advance, you can start to take two steps instead of one. In a step aerobics class, whole cardio routines are built around the step so you can get a full workout while targeting your butt and thighs.

If the gym isnt for you, you can buy one of the home aerobic steps and follow a step aerobics DVD workout like Kathy Smith: Great Buns and Thighs Step Workout.

Will the Elliptical Make my Butt Bigger?

If you work out on an elliptical machine, your legs and butt muscles will get bigger. Not only are you getting an amazing cardio workout but you are giving your glutes and hamstrings a super workout too. Working out several times a week on an elliptical machine will burn fat, keep your heart rate healthy and give you an amazing behind.
Run Hills for Your Glutes

If youre a runner, incorporating hills into your running program will burn more calories at the same time as targeting muscles in your butt and thighs. Remember that the butt is mostly muscle so dont be worried about losing your favourite asset as youll be building muscle. If you prefer to run on the treadmill, set it to an incline of 5-12% for the same effect. Interval training is most effective so be sure to alternate running on an incline with running on a flat during your workout. Even if youre not a runner, walking on an incline can also give great results.


Kickboxing workouts focus on strengthening your core muscles but also your glutes and thighs.

With all the different types of kicks high kicks, round house kicks, side kicks, back kicks every part of your butt will get a good workout. Combined with complex punch combinations, your arms and abs will not feel left out. Join a local kickboxing class and youll soon find yourself with rock-hard abs and a nice, perky butt to match.

You dont have to take part in sparring if that is not for you, a cardio kickboxing class is enough to reap all the fitness benefits without breaking any bones! And if a gym kickboxing session is not your style, there are several kickboxing workout DVDs you can buy to follow in the comfort of your own home such as The Kung Fu Kickboxing Workout DVD.